On the Issues

Monday, November 16, 2020

Uneasy Empire: War Games and Trilateral Rules

Originally broadcast on WRUV-FM in Burlington, September, 2002 during The Howie Rose Variety Show

Trilateral Rules: In September 2002, Greg Guma made his first appearance on The Howie Rose Variety Show in Burlington (then on WRUV-FM), discussing the roots of ongoing conflicts with Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. He continued as a guest and co-producer for more than a decade. In this excerpt, co-hosts FP Cassini, Silvie Airways and Formless talk with Greg about the Trilateral Commission and the rise of Jimmy Carter. With studio photos; illustrations by Dan Florentino and LJ Kopf. (7 minutes)

Paths to War: A look at how and why the US really went to war in the middle east, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, filled with “fun” facts that explode the conventional narrative; untold history on pipeline politics, preemptive strikes, no-fly zones, and how to promote regime change. With personal notes, behind the scenes photos, and illustrations by Dan Florentino. (8:30 minutes)

Our S.O.B.: How Saddam Hussein went from ally to enemy and the CIA overthrew Iran’s government in 1953. More hidden history from The Howie Rose Variety Show, originally broadcast in September 2002. With studio photos and footage from ARGO. (5 minutes)

Find out more about Uneasy Empire

“Despite unilateralist bravado and free trade fantasies, faith in the corporate gospel is faltering around the world.” - from the Introduction

Published in 2003

Excerpts Here 


The First Casualties  Excerpt  Excerpt 2

The Real World Order  Early Draft

Official Secrets

Pointing the Finger  Revised

Roots of Repression: A Less-Told History

The Empire’s Trade Clothes  Early Draft

The Battle for El Dorado  Excerpt

Beyond the New World Order  Excerpt   Revised

“It’s a long battle, a global fight for justice, equality, and democracy. And that battle we are going to win.”

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